Saturday, 29 September 2012


"Phew #1" because my M336 TMA returned today. Which means that the young man I referred to, who my tutor thinks was probably her son, did not think it would be amusing to burn, rip up, or otherwise dispose of my assignment instead of give it to my tutor.

"Phew #2" because I did indeed get somewhere in the 80s as my tutor told me she thought I had at the tutorial. Actually, I got 81, which is apparently this year, my go-to score for uncompleted assignments based on un-studied units.

Curiously, I just realised that my total score for both courses is also exactly the same, but due to the different weightings, I assume they'll end up with slightly different overall results.

I set out my revision schedule last weekend, which basically alternates two days of topology and one day of groups and geometry, until the topology exam, and then every day groups and geometry until the groups and geometry exam. Conveniently, the day I set this gave me exactly the same number of days studying each. Not-so-conveniently, I was a bit rubbish and didn't stick to it, and today which is a groups and geometry day, I will actually start with two hours of topology, simply because I like it more. Then after getting five hours of work done, I will try to do three or four hours of what I should be doing.

The week gap between the exams is really quite a gift in this respect, because I would otherwise not get enough groups and geometry revision done, since basically topology rocks and that doesn't.

I think I am doing enough topology revision due to the fact that I am coming up with answers to stuff at weird times, like walking the dog. For example, in the last assignment we had a set in R2 which we had to use Heine-Borel-Lebesque to show was compact. In particular, my explanation of why the set was closed sucked immensely, and went on for about 1/3 of a page. Which I kind of thought was about 1/3 of a page minus two or three lines longer than it should have been. I emailed my tutor to ask if there was a neat trick for the annulus part of the set. But before he could reply, it came to me while playing ball with B'elanna a couple of hours later. So I emailed him again and asked what he thought of this way. Well, he replied the next morning and said that it was exactly the way he would have suggested. Woohoo! Go me!

Anyway, that's enough procrastinating. I've read all the news today, squinted at Facebook for anything new and interesting to pop up, sorted out some housework, and even written here. Probably it's time to actually do something. Once again, I have managed to do nothing of use in the a.m. despite being up since 8. I wonder is that better or worse than the same when I get up at 6?

Neil H

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