Friday, 22 June 2012

Lots of little triangles

As if talking my dear wifey into letting us have Mobius strip wedding rings wasn't already taking things too far, I got my very first tattoo on Monday. And it's a maths one! Hooray!

I've long wanted a fractal tattoo, and for a time was interested in the Mandelbrot set or something like that, but eventually decided that I wanted one that was more geometricky. The Sierpinski triangle was the winner, as of all of the classic fractals, I find it to be particularly attractive. It is also very easy to explain to people if needs be.

Furthermore, I found many examples of Mandelbrot and Julia set tattoos, but only a couple of Sierpinski triangles online: one to one less iteration than mine, and a large one that is very cool and spans both forearms. There must be many more out there, but I would imagine the relative rareness online is reflected in the real world, so I can be sure of something fairly unique to me.

Actually, the picture was taken from Unit C5 of M338 Topology. I downloaded the PDF version, zoomed it as big as I was allowed, then print-screened, pasted, cropped, and printed. As for the size, this was just what I got when choosing the 4 copies per A4 option in Windows.

I took down a smaller print (9 per A4 size) on Saturday, and asked about it in the very professional 'The Bleeding Art' in Huddersfield town centre. They were pretty positive, but told me that with that much detail (if you think about it, there are 81 small black triangles, after this many iterations), it should be a bit bigger. There was no specific reason for the size I'd taken in anyway. Fortunately, the size mentioned above turned out to be more-or-less perfect.

When we went down on Saturday, it was actually for Kim's benefit. She's been after a realistic tattoo around her wrist of the Morning Glory plant, with the vine winding around, and a few of the (blue) flowers in bloom. I never really knew about this realistic style, so was amazed at some of the examples they have on display, and showed on the computer. She gave them some photos, and they will make up the design in time for her appointment in a few weeks (there is a waiting list for the guy that does these kinds of ones). It was only really an incidental thing, that I would ask about mine too. But here I am a few days later with a big triangle on my arm!

I was done as a "walk in." You turn up in the morning, and on a first-come-first-served basis, they allocate you a time slot during the day. I was scheduled for 3.30pm, but the lady having Pingu on her leg overran somewhat, so I got started shortly after 4. One of the staff had made my stencil on the computer earlier in the day, based on the larger print out; his version was better than mine as it had gone a bit blocky with the zooming. Anyway, it was all done and filled in by about 5.50pm, and I was on my way home. Not bad at all!

I'm really happy with it, and I've been keeping up well with the after care. I am wondering what I should go for, if I do that is, next time. One idea I had was the inverse of this design on my other arm in the same place. It think that would look good.

Neil H


  1. Nice, I bet that was tricky to outline, obviously a decent set of artists given what you've said too. I've always being tempted for a maths tattoo but never known what, had some ideas that on reflection have been pretty suspect, good job I take a long time over decisions.

  2. Thanks Dave.

    Indeed, it's surprisingly hard to choose isn't it? That said, although it took me ages to think of something, when I did make a decision, that was that and I went and had it done very quickly. Maybe you just know when it's right.

    When I was looking around online, I saw some with equations, like quite a few of Euler's identity, and someone even has on their arm, the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. Maybe you should have Maxwell's equations!? It would come in useful for the exam.

    There's a nice gallery of science tattoos here:

    Neil H

  3. Must admit I've never been tempted to get a tattoo but it's really good. Should definitely get people talking. The nearest I've come is a sweatshirt with Maxwell's equations on the back and that quite often gets people talking as well.
