Tuesday, 12 June 2012

The Turing Solution

Hi all,

I just heard advertised on Radio 4, a programme that might be of interest to those of the mathematical persuasion.

At 11:00am this morning is The Turing Solution, a half-hour show about the life and work of the great Alan Turing. It will be presented by someone described as "standup mathematician Matt Parker." Never heard of him myself, but regardless, the programme should be worth a listen. Coincidentally, I just last week, started thinking back to M381, and was pleasantly surprised that I could still generate URM programs for basic things like multiply and divide two numbers. Not particularly impressive, I know, but proof that I actually took something in of that course. If it weren't for the fact that the autumn start of MST209 will mean I don't have a break this time, I would be interested in going back through the logic part of that course without the distractions of number theory.

In other news, I was disappointed (but not surprised) to see that Radio 4 have not included Andrew Wiles among their list of "New Elizabethans" despite what I thought to be an articulate and well-argued suggestion. Oh well.

Right, bed time!


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